Archive by Author


28 Nov


Please make sure you show your support for the massive strike action this Wednesday 30th November.

This is not only a chance to defend public sector pensions but to stop a race to the bottom, for fair pensions for all and to expose the real scandal of lack of decent pensions provision in the private sector.

This huge show of strength will enable us to go on to stop the government’s slash and burn attacks on our public services, jobs and benefits.

Details of pickets you are welcome to attend to show support are below, as well as feeder march details.

Main Pickets – If you do not have your own picket, you are welcome at
these to show support
Hove Town Hall 7am
Brighton Town Hall 7am
Kings House Grand Ave 7am
Hollingdean Depot 5:30am
Job Centre Edward Street 7am
Brighton Uni Moulsecoomb Site 7am
Brighton Uni Falmer 7am
Brighton Uni Grand Parade 7am
Sussex Uni 7am
Jubilee Library 7:30am
City College 6am
Varndean College 7:45am

Facing Up To Mike Weatherley’s Fearsome Gauntlet

8 Nov

In his usual dim-witted way, ‘Mad Mike’ Weatherley has been making fatuous comments regarding (unnamed) homelessness charities endorsing his campaign to criminalise squatters, all squatters being lifestylists or how Brighton police have never convicted squatters in eighteen years. All these remarks are ill-informed, for example the last – there haven’t been any convictions because it’s not a criminal offence (although the police do often make sure to frame squatters for other alleged crimes).

But what really gets my goat is when Weatherley says “show me a squat which has been made better by the squatters” on his website or on the BBC Politics Show (at 47minutes). Mike said he was “laying down the gauntlet” to squatter groups and here is one response.

The crisis in housing and what we can do about it

6 Nov

Thursday December 8

Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton


The war on squatting

6 Nov

When the amendment to the legal aid bill regarding squatting was announced, Mike Weatherley said “Today is a good day for everyone except the anarchists” on BBC Radio Sussex. He is MP for Hove, also a (wannabe?) member of the rich elite, the 1%, for which every day probably is a good day, thank you very much.

He thought it was a good day because the amendment will criminalise squatting in residential buildings. Despite regulations already being in place to protect intending occupiers and displaced residents, people like Weatherley want to protect the holy law of property rights. I wonder how many houses Weatherley himself has.

Just like with reform of the drug laws, it seems like property law has to get worse before it gets better. It’s obvious that squatting is going to be criminalised, because that is what those in power want. Ken Clarke made a speech saying he was going to criminalise squatting the day before the consultation on squatting ended. Not the day after but the day before. The fact that the huge majority of those consulted thought there was no need for consultation was conveniently overlooked.

A letter to the Guardian from 158 academics, lawyers and solicitors working in housing law stated that the debate was not being helped by Members of Parliament giving incorrect statements in the media. What is interesting is to analyse the response of some of those MPs. Mike Weatherley said “the self-proclaimed experts who signed the letter, sheep-like, have a huge vested interest when it comes to fees after all,” as if everyone behaved like speculators.

Grant Schapps was even better. He tweeted that the people who signed the letter, who we can genuinely call experts in their professional field, were “sadly out of touch.”

Then he commented in the Guardian that “The guidance I published earlier this year makes clear to homeowners where the law stands on squatters, however commonsense suggests there should be quick and tough sanctions available when someone’s home is squatted, without the homeowner necessarily needing to bring a civil case.” Despite the clear fact that there are already legal measures in place to protect owner occupiers (as already mentioned), Schapps chooses to keep on perpetuating the same soundbite as Mike Weatherley. He was challenged on Twitter by some of the writers of the letter, those sadly out of touch, self-proclaimed experts and naturally did not deign to reply. There was no other way to answer.

It is clear that a united front is being presented here. The facts may not stand up to to scrutiny, but doesn’t really matter. The Daily Telegraph had already claimed victory for its Stop The Squatters campaign back in March. We’ve lost the legal battle long ago!!

(Although we will see how it pans out in the real world)

What’s next? Well the war on travellers of course. Stand by for more bullshit, this time courtesy of Simon Kirby, MP for Brighton Kemptown and Pavilion.

Letter to Weatherly

4 Nov

Mike Weatherly MP for Hove & Portslade has been making lots of noise lately with regards to squatting. Basically he’s keen to make an impact in his first term and sees the victimization of squatters as a vote winner. Much of what he says on the issue consists of misrepresentations, exaggerations and lies. I wrote this letter to him last Wednesday (26th October) taking him to task for some of what he has said, he promised to reply, but he hasn’t as yet.

I’ve never had much time for politicians, but this one stands out as a particularly nasty prick even compared to the rest of them.

Ttinore under threat

1 Nov

Titnore Woods is again under threat of disappearing under 700+ houses…

Unbelievably, Worthing planning committee has reversed its previous decision and decided that the developers’ revised plan can go ahead. This means that Titnore Woods is under threat again.

What a load of rubbish! Spread the word fast!

Protect our Woodland –
Schnews –
Don’t Overdevelop Durrington! –

Source –

Out of the squats and into the streets

30 Oct

The Government wants to sneak through the criminalisation of squatting, it will be voted on in Parliament this Tuesday 1st November.

Over 95% of responses to the ‘consultation’ on squatting were against further criminalisation, despite this the government is still going ahead with their proposals – effectively bypassing democracy.


Plans afoot to criminalise squatting in residential buildings

26 Oct

Amendments to the Legal Aid Bill announced by Kenneth Clarke (Minister of “Justice”) would make it a criminal offence to squat in residential buildings.

The response to the consultation on squatting came out today and of the 2,200 respondents, more than 2,100 were in favour of NOT criminalising squatting. Showing yet again that the 1% do not give a shit about the 99% (or, ok in this case, to use the real figures, it’s the 4% versus 96% ), the Government is simply going to push through the law anyway.

This is the gist of the proposal (from page 36 of the consultation response):

The new offence will be committed where a person is in a residential building as a trespasser having entered it as a trespasser, knows or ought to know that he or she is a trespasser and is living in the building or intends to live there for any period

The proposal has been added to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill, which is a rubbish bit of legislation planning to take away the previously automatic right of those who cannot afford it to have their legal representation paid for. This short-sighted Conservative plan to save money by fucking over those people who cannot afford lawyers will most likely work out more expensive for everyone in the long term.

Sneaking in an amendment is a blatant attempt to push through the criminalisation of squatting, despite there being no consensus on whether this would actually be a good idea. Certainly homelessness charities are against it and lawyers think it is unworkable. In the response itself, High Court Enforcement Officers, the Criminal Bar Association, the Law Society, the Magistrates’ Association, the University and College Union and the National Union of Students all expressed concerns about criminalisation.

But it’s clear the way things are headed: the day BEFORE the consultation had even ended, Mad Mike Weatherley recorded that Clarke has promised to criminalise squatting in a keynote speech!!

In recent days there have been lots of positive squatting news such as the tour by Dutch squatters, the Okasional Cafe in Manchester, the Plebs’ College in Oxford, Offmarket in London and new squats in Brighton.

We live in interesting times. You can view the consultation response as pdf here. This is the current status of the legal aid bill.

Amsterdam Squatter Tour – Oct23

20 Oct

October 1 2011 marked one year since the Kraakverbod made squatting illegal in the Netherlands. However, hundreds of people still squat and will continue to squat.

With squatting in the UK coming under threat, join us to hear 3 squatters from Amsterdam talk next week in several cities across the UK about squatting before the ban, resistance to the criminalisation and what’s been happening since the Kraakverbod became law.

Criminalisation and then what?

5 Oct

A draft article from a forthcoming book has been shared with us to share with you:

Moving towards criminalisation and then what?
Examining dominant discourses on squatting in England.


On March 31, 2011, an Early Day Motion was proposed in the House of Commons by Mike Weatherley, Conservative Member of Parliament for Hove. The motion read ‘This house believes that squatting should be criminalised’. This was the latest step in a series of events instigated by Conservative Party outrage at gypsy and New Age traveller land occupations in the run up to the 2009 General Election. It is expected to result in a revision of the trespass laws which will make squatting illegal. In this article I would like to document and analyse the recent discourses around squatting which have been both created and exploited by politicians and journalists.